
Showing posts from March, 2019

Bee & Bird Fountain

Gardening is an important component of our retirement lifestyle. Our backyard garden is an important ecosystem that helps maintain the bee and bird elements that we so richly enjoy.  We draw a tremendous amount of pleasure watching nature unfurl with the activities of the bees and birds as they go about in their daily activities in our garden. The watering fountain we constructed has been a major attraction for the bees & birds. The fountain is located on our backyard deck; we sit and enjoy our morning and afternoon tea while observing up close an array of  guests enjoying our fountain.          The ring of rocks that we have on the fountain perimeter  give the bees a excellent perch to enjoy the water as it flows across the formations. The outside concrete base of the fountain allows the smaller birds like Chickadees, Wrens & Finches a perch for access to the water flowing over the top of the fountain globe. The interesting feature of this fountain is the fine film