Pond & Water Gardening

Pond Floating Flower Pot

backyard pond 2018
The pond floating pot was a very successful summer project; it replaced a spray water fountain. The flowers we felt were a more appealing feature verses the spray fountain.
The pond measures 8' wide x 2' deep. The pond liner is a salvaged plastic water tank that we cut off  2 ' long. We dug a hole for the tank 1' deep which allowed the tank to be above grade 1'. The hole was dug for the tank an extra foot wide to allow for a concrete fill around the tank level with the          ground. We placed landscaping blocks on the concrete ledge around the tank.
The floating pot  is constructed out of four layers of 2"  Styrofoam. The layers were all cut in  2' wide rings.  We cut the center out of three of the 2' rings to allow a 3" wide outer edge. The remaining 2' ring was left intact to be used as the bottom of the pot. The rings were stacked and glued together and on the 2 'base section. 
The best feature of the floating pot is the self watering aspect of the pot. The pot has a 1" hole drilled in the bottom of the pot. We placed an old cotton shirt in the bottom of the pot and allowed 1 foot of material to stick out the 1" hole in the pot to act like a wick. The floating pot needs to have an anchor eye bolt and rope put in the bottom of the pot secured to a suitable weight to prevent the wind from moving the pot.  We filled the pot with potting mix soil and planted our flowers.
The flowers we planted in our floating pot were white & red Sun Impatiens, Bacopa & a Dracaenea Spike.
We will definitely add this project  to our gardening plans for the upcoming seasons.


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